Author:Pro Marketing Team - 18/01/2018

Knowledge is like an endless resources, broadening more knowledge to the brain is like providing energy to your body, you may not be rich in materials, but mental and information poverty will make you draw back from the society in general. So if you can learn something, just learn, let's do what you love and discover what you don't know. I think few of us can distinguish the following types of coffee: espresso, latte, cappuccino, ... Have you ever going to a coffee shop and get embarrassed when you have no clue on what to order and have no idea of the difference between a cappuccino from a latte or an Americano? I have ever been like this many times before. And this is the result after studying a while.

First of all, espresso coffee. People use dark roasted coffee beans, or medium roasted ones with a low acidity to make a cup of espresso coffee.

- The beans are roasted in a short time and will be slightly broken, you may be hear a crackling sound. Using these coffee beans will get back a cup of coffee with the aroma of baked beans, high acidity and also the most caffeine.

- Coffee which are moderately roasted will darken with a thin layer of oil on surface. Of course, this type of coffee will have a stronger aroma, sometimes we will taste spicy when using this kind of roasted seeds.

- Well-done coffee has a dark brown colour to black one, with a glossy surface. This grain has a sophisticated aroma that reflects its complicated making process. The coffee beans are rich in aroma, smell smoky and contain less caffeine than the others. So this is the perfect choice for making espresso coffee.

With normal coffee, we simply use a few simple filter devices. However, espresso requires a specific extraction method. You need to use a dedicated blender; hot water and steam will soak through finely coffee grounds compacted at high pressure.

Discover some ranges of Espresso Machine below:

Casadio Undici A1

Casadio Undici A2

Casadio Undici A2 Compact

Casadio Dieci A3

Casadio Quindici

Video preview Dieci A1

This process gives us a cup of coffee with a strong aroma and the smooth stability of the liquid. The gas from the brewing process is liberated, covered with a layer of aromatic oils extracted from fresh beans, and forms a thin layer of foam known as "crema". Espresso is considered as a strong, bitter coffee and served in a small 2 ounce cup. Some people will ask for more sugar.

From the base espresso, we can create more different types of coffee drinks as the list below:

1. Cappuccino is a mix of espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk on surface. Barista stirs milk while waiting for brewed espresso, and the foamed milk is on the surface of cup. You can require 1 or 2 shots of espresso. To enhance flavour of cappuccino, sometimes people sprinkle a little cinnamon on milk foam.   

2. Latte is usually used for breakfast. It's made from milk and espresso. You boil milk at moderate temperature, then pour a small amount of espresso into preheated milk. It will give us a cup of latte with pleasant aroma. Cappuccino has more espresso than latte and latte lacks a layer of milk foam on surface like cappuccino.

3. Mocha is similar to latte. It consists of hot milk and a lot of chocolate syrup. The sweetness of chocolate will balance the bitter of espresso, if you measure the amount of materials wrongly, mocha turns sweeter than normal ones. The major difference between latte and mocha is the sweetness of syrup. Latte is simply mixed with hot milk and is eaten with sweet dessert.

4. Frappe has originated in Greek like cappuccino. It includes espresso, milk foam, hot milk and shaved ice. Ice cream can be used instead of hot milk. The polular favours is chocolate and vanila. Frappe oftenly needs a strong coffee or 2 shots of espresso to mix, aiming to avoid coffee from being divoluted when the ice melts.

5. Americano is like the traditional coffee. We add water regularly when espresso is brewed. It tastes lighter than normal espresso. 

And there are so much types of drinks which can be made from the base of espresso. So, you just invest a espresso coffee machine, then you have a long list of drinks to do for a whole week. O(≧▽≦)O